Welcome To December!

Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gifts-with-pine-leaves-5499125/

We have finally made it to the end of the year.

I hope this year has been prosperous and productive for you. As we start to celebrate the holidays and plan for 2024, I encourage you to reflect on all the wonderful things that have happened this year and how you have impacted your customers. This month, I will focus on mindset, goal planning, and gratitude.

Keep IT Sunny~


Photo by RDNE Stock project: https://www.pexels.com/photo/happy-thanksgiving-greeting-card-on-brown-envelope-5847888/

Today you will receive numerous emails for Black Friday and other emails wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. Have you stopped to think about what you are truly thankful for? I have. Every year it might look different but the sentiment is the same:


I am thankful and grateful to have good health.

I am thankful and grateful to have my faith in Jesus as the bedrock of my life.

I am thankful and grateful for my family and friends.

I am thankful and grateful for my business and the clients that I get to serve. 

I am thankful and grateful for my furry friends. 

The list is endless but the most important thing is to remain in an attitude of gratitude not just today but throughout the year.

Keep IT Sunny~