5 Great Ways To Eat Healthy!

I love to eat. 

I don’t like to cook all the time but eating is my favorite pastime. My schedule is busy as I am sure yours is too. Eating healthy can present some challenges but I have picked up a few tips along the way to help me reach my healthy eating goals. 

  • Buy fresh produce and less pre-packaged food - This is a no-brainer in that it is much healthier to eat produce in its natural form than after someone has stuffed it into a bag or a can. 

  • Shop at pick your own produce farms - Las Vegas may be known for many things but picking fresh produce from a farm probably isn’t one of them. We have one of the best family-owned farms called Gilcrease Orchard which has a variety of things to pick depending on the time of the year. It is a great form of exercise and less expensive than buying produce from the grocery store. It also tastes better. 

  • Meal Prep - A really good friend of mine does this usually on Sunday. She cooks all her meals for the week including lunch and this helps to control portion sizes. It also saves a ton of time and ensures you are not grabbing fast food on the fly. 

  • Work with a dietitian - I shop at The Vitamin Shoppe for my supplements and noticed that they offered free dietitian & nutritionist services. I made a virtual appointment and was able to get a customized meal plan tailored to my specific needs and great suggestions on supplements to try. I highly encourage you to take advantage of this free consultation. Additionally, you might have the same thing available to you via your health insurance. 

  • Read labels - I know this sounds like common sense but sometimes we forget to do the obvious especially if we are shopping in a hurry. It pays to read what you are putting in your body to help prevent health issues in the future. You know what the famous quote says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

I hope you add these 5 tips to your healthy eating checklist. The life of an entrepreneur is busy and hectic but taking the time to implement these tips will be worth it.

Keep IT Sunny!