Welcome To The Month Of February!

Photo by Monstera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/paper-hearts-of-different-size-pinned-on-pink-surface-5874612/

This month is all about Hallmark movies & love. 

If you are not into either of those things then let’s take another approach this month. Let’s make it about self-care and falling back in love with your business. We will take a look at different ways we can use apps to help us achieve a good balance of health and wellness. We will also take a look at why we started our business and how to set achievable goals. 

This is the month of self-love and entrepreneurship love. I hope you take action on some of the tips and resources that I will share with you.

Much Love & Keep IT Sunny~

5 Great Ways To Eat Healthy!

I love to eat. 

I don’t like to cook all the time but eating is my favorite pastime. My schedule is busy as I am sure yours is too. Eating healthy can present some challenges but I have picked up a few tips along the way to help me reach my healthy eating goals. 

  • Buy fresh produce and less pre-packaged food - This is a no-brainer in that it is much healthier to eat produce in its natural form than after someone has stuffed it into a bag or a can. 

  • Shop at pick your own produce farms - Las Vegas may be known for many things but picking fresh produce from a farm probably isn’t one of them. We have one of the best family-owned farms called Gilcrease Orchard which has a variety of things to pick depending on the time of the year. It is a great form of exercise and less expensive than buying produce from the grocery store. It also tastes better. 

  • Meal Prep - A really good friend of mine does this usually on Sunday. She cooks all her meals for the week including lunch and this helps to control portion sizes. It also saves a ton of time and ensures you are not grabbing fast food on the fly. 

  • Work with a dietitian - I shop at The Vitamin Shoppe for my supplements and noticed that they offered free dietitian & nutritionist services. I made a virtual appointment and was able to get a customized meal plan tailored to my specific needs and great suggestions on supplements to try. I highly encourage you to take advantage of this free consultation. Additionally, you might have the same thing available to you via your health insurance. 

  • Read labels - I know this sounds like common sense but sometimes we forget to do the obvious especially if we are shopping in a hurry. It pays to read what you are putting in your body to help prevent health issues in the future. You know what the famous quote says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

I hope you add these 5 tips to your healthy eating checklist. The life of an entrepreneur is busy and hectic but taking the time to implement these tips will be worth it.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of July!

Photo by Tairon Fernandez: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-lighted-sparkler-450301/

How are you feeling today? If you are like many entrepreneurs you are probably tired and not getting enough rest. According to Forbes and the Center For Disease Control,

“35.2% get less than 7 hours of sleep per. night.”

Many entrepreneurs see it as a badge of honor especially during the early years of their business journey. This lack of sleep culture does have its limits. Elon Musk and Ariana Huffington both suffered from health-related issues due to sleep deprivation. This month I will take a look at health & wellness in the areas of sleep, healthy eating and wellness/fitness. It is important that we take care of ourselves so we can contribute our best to our clients, colleagues and professional teams.

Keep IT Sunny

Hey You Desk Potato! Yeah That Means YOU!


I don’t know about you but working from home as a business owner sometimes leaves me feeling like the picture above. I get into a good groove working on a specific project and when I look up an hour has easily passed me by without me getting up for a good stretch break. I have an exercise schedule that I usually follow but lately, I have been so enmeshed in projects that I have been skipping some of my activities. That is one of the reasons I started my own health & wellness Meetup for women (sorry guys:) so that I would be forced to get out in the world and be active.

As the increase of remote working moves forward, it does bring with it some health concerns to be aware of. According to an article on Time.com, “Income instability and poor access to affordable health care have both been linked to reduced physical and mental health. There’s also evidence that people tend to“overcommitment” to work and find it difficult to disconnect or relax, which they say negatively affects their mental health.” There are ways to stay healthy and achieve success as a remote entrepreneur. Check out these tips from Entrepreneur.com. I hope they help you to get moving throughout your day and stay fit.

Keep It Sunny!

Are You Still Living Healthy?


2017 is almost over.

Did you keep your goal to live more healthy this year?

Don't feel bad if you went off track. As a busy entrepreneur, it can get really challenging to make healthy choices. Next week we will take a look at companies that offer healthy prepared meals delivered straight to your door. This might come in handy after eating all that Thanksgiving turkey. 


Until then take a look at a previous post I wrote on fun options for staying healthy.


Keep It Sunny!