How To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur

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Are you taking care of yourself?

Life can get pretty hectic as an entrepreneur. There are clients to take care of, services to deliver, finances that need to be managed and being there for your team if you have employees. None of this includes your personal life. It’s easy to see how quickly a person can get run-down and eventually not feeling their best.

But what can you do?

These things must be handled in order for your business to operate and be profitable. According to and the American Institute of Stress, “Stress in the workplace is more strongly correlated with health issues than even financial difficulties or family problems.” If you work from home then this issue can get much more complicated and real. Here are 10 quick ways to stay healthy as an entrepreneur:

  1. Take scheduled walk breaks daily

  2. Eat healthy during lunch and snack time

  3. Cut out the distractions during your work day

  4. Get organized with your time

  5. Create boundaries with your clients & team

  6. Don’t work after hours

  7. Have fun time scheduled In your down time

  8. Go to the gym during the day during lunch time

  9. Go to bed on time

  10. Breathe

    These 10 tips aren’t anything you haven’t heard before. They are more of a reminder to take time out for yourself and to take care of yourself. You can’t be good to anyone if your not healthy.

Keep It Sunny!

Self Care For Health & Wellness Practitioners

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Are you approaching burnout from being a helping professional?

If so you are not alone.

According to an article by Health Trust, "More than half of all U.S. physicians surveyed in 2014 by the Mayo Clinic reported at least one symptom of burnout—an increase of 9 percent from a study three years earlier."  Although you may be another kind of health and wellness practitioner the fact remains that helping professionals who suffer from career induced burnout is on the rise.

What Can You Do Right Now 

Take action to prevent burnout and increase self-care for yourself.

According to an article by Holistic Primary Care, there are 5 primary burnout insulators:

  1. Reflection and Recognition

  2. Self-Care

  3. Coping Styles

  4. Community

  5. Structure

These may seem like a no-brainer to you but it is a good reminder to zone in on preventative measures that can help you to be your best so that you can take care of your clients and your business. Check out the additional resources below for more tools to use for creating a self-care plan of action today.

The Signs of Burnout

Self-Care Revolution by Ellen Rondina, LMSW

Wellness and Self-Care Tools

Health and Wellness Burnout Prevention

What are your best strategies to help prevent burn-out? I love to turn off all electronics and listen to nature. What about you?


Are You Stuck In A Business Rut?

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I hope you enjoyed the 4th of July holiday with your friends and family. I think it is a good time to sit back and reflect on those who fought to make sure we have the freedoms we enjoy today including the freedom to work for ourselves.

But what if you are just burnt out?

What do you do then?

Take some time to remember why you started on your journey and just give yourself permission to re-direct your course. 

This is your business and you can color outside of the lines with a joyous smile on your face.

 Sit back and just take time to smell the roses and celebrate your wins.


Keep It Sunny!

Do You Take Time Out To Relax and Have Fun?

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Can you remember the last time you did something just for the fun of it? I know you're probably thinking you don't have time for fun. But it's so important to put relaxation and non-work activities on your calendar. According to Business Matters Magazine, "Forgetting to relax can cause a number of problems with your health – including stress and anxiety, high blood pressure, headaches, muscle pain and more, which can add up and take their toll."

You don't need health issues to come in between you and running your business successfully. Here are some suggestions on ways you can unwind on a budget:

1. Take a blanket and go to the park for an afternoon picnic.

2. Unplug and have a staycation at home in your backyard.

3. Get out and go on a nature walk with friends.

4. Join a local Meetup Group to discover low-cost activities to do in your city.

5. Read a good book from your local library.

6. Go see a $1 movie at your local movie theater

7. Grab a Groupon and try out something new in your town.

8. Take an afternoon nap with soothing music playing in the background.

The list of relaxing fun things to do is endless. I hope you take the hint that it is important to take a break and make time for yourself. Do you have fun things you do to take a break from your normal routine?


Keep It Sunny!