4 Ways To Fall Back In Love With Your Business Again!


Are you in a rut and starting to wonder why you started your business in the first place? You might have “entrepreneurial burnout" according to an article in Entrepreur.com.

“The reality is also that entrepreneurship is an intense endeavor, and it’s hard to separate the self from the business. Sooner rather than later, and because of the rollercoaster nature of entrepreneurship, business setbacks start happening (a lot!), and some entrepreneurs can’t help but take them as personal setbacks, especially when they get so invested in their business. Depression follows, and so does burnout.”

So now you know that this type of burnout is a real thing let’s start focusing on how to fall back in love with your business again:

  1. Take Time Off - It is important to designate time to take a breather from work. It can be a challenge if you are like most entrepreneurs who are type A but the consequences of not taking regularly scheduled breaks in your workweek to reflect and rest can start to hinder you and your business. The article also states, “ When we spend more time with ourselves (not working), we are able to have better mental clarity, more abundant creativity, and improved ability for sound business decisions.”

  2. Get Social - If you have been glued to your computer and nothing else then going to a lunch or breakfast networking session could prove to be beneficial. It will give you real face to face time to be in a community of other entrepreneurs who are excited to be in business and this could help to reignite the passion you once felt for your own business.

  3. Go back to your “Why” - Simon Sinek’s book and Ted talk on “Start With Your Why” is something that is worth listening to on audible or watching the Ted Talk. He really does inspire you to remember why you started your business in the first place and to take action.

  4. Go learn - There is nothing more invigorating and fun than going to a conference that includes your peers and those leaders that you aspire to become. There is no shortage of conferences to attend in your industry and it makes a great write off according to my tax professional. Check out this one called Entreleadership to get you energized.

    There you have it! Four ways to fall back in love with your business again. The life of an entrepreneur can be a rollercoaster ride like no other but it is worth it. Get your fire back and try some of these ideas.

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Are You In The Right Business?


You are a new entrepreneur and you have been diligently working in your business wearing every hat imaginable. You started off with a real passion in your belly and you were full of energy.

Then something changed!

Are you just in a business rut? Or are you in the wrong business? Here are 4 ways to tell:

  1. You feel sick - You start having that nauseous feeling on Sunday night just like you did when you were working for a company. If you feel dread come upon you and start having a case of the Monday’s this could be a bad sign that you are in the wrong business.

  2. You are struggling to sell your services - Looking for your raving fan clients can take a while to find but you should still have a decent client base to sell your services to that will keep your doors open and at least get you to “ramen profitability.”

    “According to Smallbusiness.chron.com, Beginning entrepreneurs should distinguish between what is called "ramen profitability" and actual corporate profitability. Ramen profitability is enough cash flow that the founders of a company can sustain a minimal lifestyle as quickly as possible without the need to resort to outside jobs or income. "Shoestring" start-ups that need very little capital to launch can reach ramen profitability in a very short time, but it may take far longer for the founders to draw a decent salary and also leave enough cash on hand for the business to show a profit.”

  3. You are out of gas - You are not as passionate as you used to be when you first started. This could be a simple case of burnout or it could be that you don’t like the services that you are trying to sell to clients. it is time to do some deep thinking.

  4. You followed popular Googled business ideas - If you went online and researched something like the top ten small businesses to start fast instead of going with your own interest and passions then this could be the fatal flaw.

Entrepreneurship is a fun journey but if you identify with any of these 4 signs then it might be time to change course, do some soul searching, reach out to a business coach and get back on track.

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Why You Should Listen To Podcast For Professional Development

Everyone has a podcast. If you can think of a topic, then someone has probably created a podcast for it. Topics can range from comedy to self-help. All this is nice you may say, but why should I care? In my humble opinion, podcast are one of the number one ways for busy entrepreneurs to learn on the go and get real-time information that can be deployed immediately in their business. We are all busy and we all must stay on top of the latest trends in our industry to be successful. Listening to business focused podcast does the trick. Not sure where to begin? Check out a few of these podcasts to get your creative entrepreneurial juices flowing:

Entrepreneur On Fire 

Leaders In The Trenches

The Fizzle Show

Smart Passive Income w/Pat Flynn

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