How To Find The Right Business Coach For You!


Are you in a business rut? Working with a business coach could be just the kick in the pants you need to get re-energized about your business. The next question is how do you find one that is a good fit for you. Here are 5 tips to help you find a business coach that is a good fit for you.

  1. Determine what goals you would like to achieve. Are you looking for a one-time meeting or ongoing coaching? Do you want to focus on expanding your current business services?

  2. Create a budget to allocate towards coaching services.

  3. Ask for referrals from other entrepreneurs who have had success.

  4. Get background information about a coach like credentials, education, and past experiences that make them qualified to help you.

  5. Make sure their personality and coaching style are a good fit for you. Are they friendly and offer a structured program or are they more reserved and have an informal program? There is no right or wrong answer to this. The only thing that matters is what works for you.

We can all fall into a business rut from time to time. Working with the right business coach can help you increase your confidence and your profits. Check out Dan Millers’ coaching directory to get started. Looking for more tips? Check out this article on to help with your search.

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Invest In Yourself!

Photo Credit by Stuart Miles|

Photo Credit by Stuart Miles|

So how is business going for you these days? Are you hitting your goals, meeting your client demands, learning new skills and managing your day to day operations in a timely fashion? If the answer is "no" then it is time to stop and take stock of what is really going on in your business. Do you have a money set aside in your operational budget to invest in yourself? If the answer is no then this is probably one of the main reasons why you are not hitting the success metrics in your business.

Time For A Break

If you are thinking "I am too tired to take any type of training to learn new skills" then maybe you need to enlist the services of a virtual assistance company to take some of the daily operational items off your list. If you are thinking " I can't afford to invest in myself right now, but maybe in the future". This is great that it is on your "someday bucket list" for your business, but professional development is an investment in the future of your business success. You should be investing at minimum 3% or more in yourself says  

The return on your investment will be much more than you pay in dollars. If you are losing traction with achieving your business goals tell me about in the comments below. Next week we will look at different ways you can "invest in yourself".

Be Do Have!

Why You Should Listen To Podcast For Professional Development

Everyone has a podcast. If you can think of a topic, then someone has probably created a podcast for it. Topics can range from comedy to self-help. All this is nice you may say, but why should I care? In my humble opinion, podcast are one of the number one ways for busy entrepreneurs to learn on the go and get real-time information that can be deployed immediately in their business. We are all busy and we all must stay on top of the latest trends in our industry to be successful. Listening to business focused podcast does the trick. Not sure where to begin? Check out a few of these podcasts to get your creative entrepreneurial juices flowing:

Entrepreneur On Fire 

Leaders In The Trenches

The Fizzle Show

Smart Passive Income w/Pat Flynn

Keep It Sunny!!