Welcome To The Month Of September!


Summer will officially be over in about two weeks.

I feel like the only way I know what month or season we are heading to is to rely heavily on my trusty paper and electronic calendar.

As we head into the fall season and the remaining part of the year it is a good time to access goals. Did you do any goal setting last month and have you achieve those goals? According to the Peak Performance Center, “Goal setting is a powerful technique that provides a direction for your efforts, focuses your attention, promotes persistence, and increases your confidence.”

If you are having trouble reaching your goals then it might be time to get some help. This month I want to take a look at how to find a business coach that is a good fit for your personality and business goals, the pros & cons of joining a mastermind group, and using social media to find accountability partners for your business goals.

You don’t have to do everything alone. Taking the step to access where you stand right now in your business and making a concrete plan to get to your desired goal is the first step for business success.

Keep IT Sunny!