How Do You Handle A Difficult Client?

Photo Courtes of Ambro|

Photo Courtes of Ambro|

We have all had a chance encounter with a difficult client. You know what I mean. A client that seems to thrive on making your life not so happy. Fussy, Trite & Demanding. 

But the real question is how do you handle a difficult client?

First, start with defining the real issue by listening. Rhett Power writes on that "A good listener also engages his heart and mind. He does not allow himself to become distracted, but focuses on the speaker. He doesn't formulate answers before the speaker completes a statement. He doesn't give the appearance of being defensive."

Does The Shoe Fit

Try placing yourself in the other person's shoes. I don't know about you, but when I have received poor customer service from another business I often feel ignored. I think to myself they wouldn't want someone to treat them this way so why are they doing this to me. Well, this is how your client feels when they are frustrated with something that is not going smoothly. They are relying on you to make their lives easier is some shape or form so when we fall short they often feel ignored.

Confess & Correct

O.k. I am sure you are thinking this sounds a bit much. But we should be humble enough to admit when we fall short of a promise and what we are going to do to make it right. When you open your mind and your heart to your clients and show them that you are a real person that bleeds just like they do then real rapport building can happen.

Handling a so called difficult client can be stressful. But it can also be a learning opportunity for you to see what products, skills or services you can improve upon. Make no mistake that having good communication skills coupled with taking action is the only real cure for this ailment. So how do you handle difficult situations with your client? Tell me what is one good tip to use to make the relationship better.

Keep It Sunny!

I Am Not Making Money

Photo Courtesy of graur razvan ionut|

Photo Courtesy of graur razvan ionut|

Does this sound like you? "If I had more time to market I know I could increase my bottom-line. I am so frustrated that my business isn't making more money and I feel like throwing in the towel. This isn't the dream I had in mind when I started my business and it is turning into a nightmare". These are the thoughts of a very unhappy entrepreneur.

As a small business owner I understand that trying to do everything all at the same time AND take care of your marketing efforts to win new clients is a lot of work. I am exhausted just thinking about it. 

But there is a way to make your dreams a reality.

The first order of business is to recognize that you are having a problem. The second order of business is to get some help. Let other professionals such as a bookkeeper or a virtual assistant into your business life.

Do not be fooled into thinking you can do everything that you need to do to keep your business afloat. Start making money by making an investment in a business partnership today. So are you drowning? Tell me what is keeping you from making money in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

I Don't Have Time To Volunteer!

Photo Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici|

Photo Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici|

What are your thoughts on volunteerism? I will guess that most people think it is a good thing and that it is awesome when other people do it. But I know as a busy entrepreneur time is not in abundance. So volunteering may seem to be unimportant.

Time Well Spent

I have volunteered in the past at women shelter's and at the Boys & Girls club. I found it to be very rewarding. You're probably thinking what does this have to do with business and being a small business owner?

 Social Goodwill vs. Your Bottom-line

According to a survey shared in the Huffington Post "40% of a company's reputation is determined by volunteering and corporate social responsibility." Moreover, customers come to expect that company's have some sort of social impact on their community. Finally, corporate finance experts agree that "maintaining a good corporate reputation or brand equity is the most important way [volunteering programs] create value." 

Making time to volunteer can give you a more tangible footprint in the community that you serve. It helps out your fellow citizen who is in need and in return it can help you to see that some things in life are truly priceless. As a fellow small business owner, I think we can have a social impact on our community in many ways that go beyond the bottom-line. We may not have the resources of large corporations, but we can still make an impact. Next week I will go over a few tips that can help us achieve this goal.

What about you? What are your thoughts on volunteerism and corporate social responsibility? Share with me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!


Living La Vida Loca...Well not quite!

Being an entrepreneur is great. You get to set your own hours, work without limitations and serve your customers to the best of your ability. It really can feel like you're living the ultimate dream. But what if it doesn't and it feels like a nightmare because you are drained, stressed out and energy depleted? Then it is time to take some time for yourself and try some of these things that I do:

Wake up Early To Meditate

Do Yoga on a regular basis to stay balanced

Listen to podcasts or read motivational books

Take a midweek staycation to your nearest park

Do aerobics or go to the gym

Being a business owner is awesome and requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm. In the quest to be at the top of your game and take care of your clients/customers don't forget to take care of yourself. What are some of your ideas for self-care? Share with me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

Photo Courtesy of Ambro|

Photo Courtesy of Ambro|

It's Time To Stop & Take Action!

I am very ambitious. As a fellow business owner I am sure you share the same trait. But.....sometimes we can find ourselves spinning our wheels and not going anywhere fast. I wrote last week about having an action plan. Do you have one yet? If not, then stop and take a look at ideas on how to put one together.

We are all in this together as entrepreneurs working to make our dreams shine far brighter than we could have ever imagined!

Keep it Sunny!!

Do You Have An Action Plan?

Last week we talked about being on track to hit your goals for your business in 2015 but we didn't say how to do that. So here are a few tips on how to create an easy action plan to get those successes for your business.

Tip #1

Start with the end in mind: Your Mission Statement. Do you have one? If not then check out this article on how to create or fine tune your mission statement so that you know clearly why you are in business.

Tip #2

Do a brain dump of ideas and thoughts on what type of goals you would like to achieve this year. Try using Evernote to capture your ideas.

Tip #3

Get Inspired! Check out how other entrepreneurs are making their dreams a reality. A great place to do that is on or on

So there you have it. A few tips to get you started on creating an action plan for your business that is practical and achievable. Tell me your thoughts on what other steps could be added to this plan in the comments below.


Keep It Sunny!


New Year's Resolutions For Your Business

Photo Courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti|

Photo Courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti|

Are you on track to hit your goals for your business for 2015? I understand it is tough to stay focused when you are a small business owner because we have so many balls to juggle.  But the key to ensuring that you get what you want for your business goals is to have a plan. I will be outlining an easy action plan to follow in the weeks to come on how to stay focused, productive so we can be successful entrepreneurs.

Check out my previous post on How to Hit the Ground Running for a few ideas. So what is the one goal you have for your business in 2015? Tell me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

Why Is Business Communication So Important In a Small Business?

Why Is Business Communication So Important In a Small Business?

Business communication skills are extremely important to the success of your business. If we as small business owners cannot quickly and effectively communicate our ideas, goals or sell our products and services, then we could be out of business very quickly

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Invest In Yourself!

Photo Credit by Stuart Miles|

Photo Credit by Stuart Miles|

So how is business going for you these days? Are you hitting your goals, meeting your client demands, learning new skills and managing your day to day operations in a timely fashion? If the answer is "no" then it is time to stop and take stock of what is really going on in your business. Do you have a money set aside in your operational budget to invest in yourself? If the answer is no then this is probably one of the main reasons why you are not hitting the success metrics in your business.

Time For A Break

If you are thinking "I am too tired to take any type of training to learn new skills" then maybe you need to enlist the services of a virtual assistance company to take some of the daily operational items off your list. If you are thinking " I can't afford to invest in myself right now, but maybe in the future". This is great that it is on your "someday bucket list" for your business, but professional development is an investment in the future of your business success. You should be investing at minimum 3% or more in yourself says  

The return on your investment will be much more than you pay in dollars. If you are losing traction with achieving your business goals tell me about in the comments below. Next week we will look at different ways you can "invest in yourself".

Be Do Have!

The Art Of Collaboration In Your Business

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles|

What are the common themes that popular companies like Google, Zappos & Apple possess? Innovation and a company culture that supports collaboration amongst team members. When talented professionals come together and are given permission to use out-of-the-box thinking then magic can happen. 

Are You Blocking Success?

If you want your business to soar higher than you ever imagined then think about how you can use collaboration to achieve innovative results. Working with freelancers, virtual assistant professionals and other consultants may give you the competitive edge you need. When you allow yourself to brainstorm, share ideas and see a different perspective, you move one step closer to reaching success in your business. Are you ready to delegate & collaborate? Share your thoughts with me below.

How To Hit The Ground Running In Your Business In 2015

Photo Credit: Ambro|

Photo Credit: Ambro|

Happy 2015 Everyone! 

It is a new year and time to get recharged to meet our business goals. There are many tools & tips that are available to help you reach the success levels you desire for your business. But let's face it. We are busy small business owners & entrepreneurs. So we need fast and convenient resources to help stay on track without taking our focus off course. Well throughout the year I will share practical tips that fit our busy lifestyle.

A Quick Tip

The first tool you can use to start your year off right is to select an audiobook to listen to that will help set the motivational tone for your year. I selected Act Like A Success-Think Like a Success by Steve Harvey. This book has supercharged my year already and it is only 8 days into the new year. What audiobook are you listening to that has you revved up for 2015? Share it with me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

Business Planning Checklist For 2015

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Merry Xmas Everyone! Santa has his list for getting the goodies for the kids, but do you have a business plan checklist for 2015? If not, here are 4 areas to take a look at to get you started:

  • Tax Planning: Now is a good time to meet with your CPA to chart out next year's financial goals & to ensure that you are not due for overpayment come tax time.

  • Expiring & Renewals of Subscriptions or Lease Agreements: Do you have a list of all the online tools, trade publications or rent lease agreements that you have? Now would be a good time to gather all those items and go through them with a fine tooth comb to make sure you still want them in place, dump them or renegotiate new terms.

  • Annual filings: Take time to peruse your state, local and federal requirements for your business. This will ensure that you are in complete compliance with all applicable laws.

  • Marketing Goals & Outcomes: If you are using social media, blog post, SEO or traditional marketing to reach your clients or customers, now is a good time to do a once over to make sure that you have the proper monthly goals in place that will drive traffic to your business so that you can make sales.

Taking an hour or two to brainstorm on these topics will go a long way to ensuring that you are on the right track for 2015. What are some of your business planning checklist ideas? Share them with me in the comments below!

Do You Have A "Just In Case" Plan For Your Business?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles|

As business owners, we get so busy in doing the daily tasks that are required to keep business running smoothly and our customers happy that we forget to plan for emergencies. Do you have a business continuity plan in place to take care of your business for the "what if's" moments that could arise? According to, "Business Continuity is about preventing problems before they happen and ensuring that in the case that they do, there are tools and protocols in place to minimize the damage". 

 For more information on how to set one up check out the site here. As hard as we work as small business owners to grow our business it is equally important to prepare for an emergency if it should happen. Let me know what you currently have in place to take care of your business in case disaster strikes.

Keep It Sunny!

The Future Is Very Bright For Small Business In 2015

photo courtesy of iosphere|

I love the idea & reality of being a small business owner. There is no feeling better in the world than being able to take your idea or thoughts and put them into action. I am optimistic that the small business industry as a whole will continue to go on an upswing. I am not alone. According to an article on "Fifty-eight percent of small business owners expect growth in 2015". So are you doing all that you can to ride into the sunset with other small business owners? Here is a short checklist to ponder and put into action:

Have your team in place: Make sure you have your core partners in place such as a CPA, lawyer & business office operations manager.

Make sure your paperwork is up to date: This includes any applicable licenses, certifications or governmental regulatory paperwork that needs to be submitted on a regular basis.

Make sure your skills are up to date: You are only able to deliver world-class service to your clients if you are staying abreast of the latest trends & tools in your industry.

This is a very short list, but a great starting point to make sure your business is a success in 2015. In the meantime, here are some note taking software tools to keep your thoughts organized in one place.  Next post I will talk about what other items should be on your "to do" list before 2014 comes to a close.

Keep It Sunny!


Why You Should Listen To Podcast For Professional Development

Everyone has a podcast. If you can think of a topic, then someone has probably created a podcast for it. Topics can range from comedy to self-help. All this is nice you may say, but why should I care? In my humble opinion, podcast are one of the number one ways for busy entrepreneurs to learn on the go and get real-time information that can be deployed immediately in their business. We are all busy and we all must stay on top of the latest trends in our industry to be successful. Listening to business focused podcast does the trick. Not sure where to begin? Check out a few of these podcasts to get your creative entrepreneurial juices flowing:

Entrepreneur On Fire 

Leaders In The Trenches

The Fizzle Show

Smart Passive Income w/Pat Flynn

Keep It Sunny!!

Are You Distracted?

Image courtesy of Prakairoj|

Image courtesy of Prakairoj|

It is so easy to get distracted these days. As a small business owner I know there are many things competing for my attention: responding to customers, researching the latest trends and news relevant to my industry, improving my service offerings and staying current in the area of professional development. Then there are the personal things that need my attention like family, eating healthy, exercising and other personal goals. Is it a wonder we all don't feel like crawling into bed and pulling the covers tightly over our heads. 

What Is The Answer?

There are no easy solutions to staying focused on the present. One way that I manage it all is to make a conscience effort to make my schedule for the next day before I go to bed, complete my to-do list that is on my Google Calendar and on my daily task sheet. It isn't easy with life tapping you on the shoulder at every turn, but it is doable to just do one thing at a time. How do you stay focused and remain productive?

Keep It Sunny!

Do You Have Enough Time To Do Everything In Your Life?

Photo courtesy of BimXD/

Photo courtesy of BimXD/

This post will take 1 minute to read

Are you just too busy? The answer is most likely an exasperated "YES".  You probably don't even have enough time to read what I am typing. :)  So thank you for taking time out to read this. I noticed on certain sites like they tell you how long it will take you to read an article. I love this idea and it helps me to determine whether or not I will read it. I usually do. So I may start to use that for my future blog post but I digress.

Is Time Slipping Through Your Fingers?

The one thing you can do right now to gain more time in your life to do everything that you want to do is to prioritize items and put them on your calendar. So, I guess that is two things. If things don't land on your calendar, then most likely it will not get done. Have you heard of the phrase out of site, out of mind. Well, that is very true. I use Google Calendar to schedule everything in my life, business & personal. Then I sync it to my phone so I can get reminders of the appointments that I have on my calendar.

How do you prioritize and make more time in your day to do everything you want to do in your life??

Keep It Sunny!


No Employees Wanted

Image courtesy of Ambro/

Image courtesy of Ambro/

As a solopreneur or small business owner the idea of running your business without employees probably has crossed your mind on occasion. The questions you might have pondered quietly are "Is this possible? Why should I consider this and how can I do this?"  Well, it is possible. Many companies have successfully adopted this business model. And it is on the rise. According to "One third of Americans are freelancers (17 million people), contractors and consultants right now and there will be more of them than full-time employees in six years. Also, "Employers are saving more money hiring freelancers because they don’t have to pay benefits and they are looking to hire experts who can complete specialized projects."  Why should you consider this? There are many reasons why it could make sense to shift from the idea of having employees to working with freelancers or partnering with vendor companies to provide support. cites three good reasons:

a) The business does not have employees available to perform the tasks.

b) Demand is uncertain.

c) The job requires a specialized skill that the company lacks or the business owner doesn't plan to specialize in.

Whatever your reason you might want to consider trying out this business model in your company for a short period of time to test it out to see if it is something that can help you to be more efficient and gain more revenue for your company. Of course we can assist you in one-on-one virtual assistant business support and connecting you with other service providers that you may need. Share your thoughts on this new way of doing business below.

Keep It Sunny!