How Are You Feeling Today?


Now that you have taken in a deep breath, I hope you are feeling healthy & whole today.

 I do understand that with so much noise in our world today that we can get bogged down. As an entrepreneur, we can especially run ourselves into the ground.

Take a minute for yourself and check out this post I did on 5 Unorthodox ways to avoid burnout syndrome for tips on how to get back on track.


Keep It Sunny!

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

In our hurried & busy lives, it is easy to get stuck in a rut.

I think at the beginning of the year it is a great time to get quiet and reflect on why we are doing what we are doing? I wrote a post some time back titled, "What Are You Doing With Your Dash". If you want some motivation today take a minute and read the post and really think about the question it is asking.

Keep It Sunny!

Happy 2017!

Happy New Year!


Well  it is a few days into 2017 and it’s an exciting time to be alive. I love having a fresh clean slate to work and create new beginnings from and the new year does provide that. I am sure we can all agree that 2016 was filled with some challenging moments BUT the best part of that is that it probably allowed you to grow in areas you needed to and it is all in the past. I am an optimist and no matter what happens in our world today I believe that it will work out for the greater good of us all. My plan for this year is to rebrand my business and really dig into the best ways I can serve my clients. On a personal note I am planning to connect more in my faith as a Christ follower, to be of service in my community & get out of consumer debt by following the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Program.. What about you guys. What are your hopes & dreams for 2017? Don’t be shy share with us all so we can cheer you on!


Keep It Sunny!


5 unorthodox ways to avoid burnout syndrome in your business and number 3 was my favorite

As an online business owner solopreneur, I can relate to information overload and being mentally fatigued. I don’t have a lot of time to get things done so my time is very important.

Plainly put: Getting stuck in the details of doing a project is like hearing nails scratched across the chalkboard. It can overwhelmingly lead to burnout.

In one of Pat Flynn’s podcast, he talks about how we should stop being super-heroes because it is killing our business. You can check that out here. Don’t let this happen to you. Try my 5 unorthodox ways to avoid burnout syndrome in your business. Don’t fizzle out,


  1. Get an accountability partner or join a mastermind group

  2. Go Have Fun: You know sometimes I can take being in business so seriously and forget to look at it from a childlike wonder perspective. When I was a kid I loved to play monopoly or “business lady” and pretend to be a singer and a teacher the list goes on. The point is I had a lot of fun playing out different roles and being creative. Do whatever is fun for you. A hint- it should make you laugh and give you a relaxed mindset.

3. Go help someone else: I recently took the time to go help a family build their dream home via Habitat for humanity. Volunteering and giving back to me is the best feeling in the world. You get to be a positive part of people’s journey, be productive  and take a step away & your mind off your own stuff. This not only helps to fuel the creative spirit in your business but it helps to give you a sense of connection and purpose to God and your community. I Love it!

4. Take a nap or a walk or go sleep walking:) Look the bottom line to this tip is that if you're an entrepreneur you are probably a type A person. That is great but not so great when you start to feel stressed and frazzled so go be a kid again and just take a nap. I promise you things will be much clearer when you return to your workspace

5. Go hit something: Ha! Now this does not mean to hit another person but instead go to the gym and hit a punching bag or the air. I love doing Zumba and working up a nice calorie burn while I run around and pretend I know how to do the meringue.

There you go. 5 ways you can avoid burn out and fall back in love with your business.

Keep It Sunny!

My Business Has Turned Into A Hobby

Today I just want to ask you the simple question: Is your business turning into a very expensive hobby?

If so then it is time to stop and take an inventory.

If your business is NOT making money then it is time to take an honest assessment of what isn't working. I wrote a blog post about this last year. Take a look at it here and use the information to get back on track.

Keep It Sunny!

It's Time For A Mid-Year Recap!

How are things going so far for you & your business in 2016?

I can't believe we are already in the month of October. Thanksgiving & Christmas are just around the corner. The year is starting to wind down.

Did you accomplish the goals that you set for your lifestyle business?

I have two practical tips you can use:

Schedule everything you want to accomplish daily including personal goals using a google calendar synced to all your mobile devices. Oh and one more tip:


I say that from experience. I created all these wonderful alerts and agendas on my calendar but started to ignore them. I have self-corrected. :)

Are you on track to reach your goals? If so tell me all about it.



What Are You Doing With Your Dash?

Today is the last day of your life.

That sounds pretty somber right? But what if it is. Are you living a life filled with integrity and in relentless pursuit of your dreams? I woke up this morning watching Joyce Meyer’s today and she was talking about this very thing:

We only get to do this once so:

What Are You Doing With Your Dash?

You only have right now. If you are not living the life you want then



Keep It Sunny~


Think Yourself Into Greatness!

Have you ever heard the phrase you are the sum total of the 5 people who you associate with on a daily basis? Well John Lee Dumas from  Entrepreneur On Fire podcast says something to this effect in each of his broadcasts. 

Is It True?

Well, look at where you are in your life right this minute. Are you on track to achieve your Big Hairy Audacious Goals your BHAGS? Are the people in your immediate circle encouraging or distracting you from your goals?

Only you know the answer. Stop where you are RIGHT NOW and make a pivot if you need to make some changes in your life. Some people are only along for part of our journey. It's ok to bid adieu to those people or things that aren't working toward our greatness. What things are you getting rid of in your life today? Tell me because I want to cheer you on.

Keep It Sunny!

Are You A Control Freak?

If you have been experiencing a lot of stress lately it could be that you are a control freak. We all like to be in control of various things in our lives at any point in time. But in reality do we really have ANY control? If you aren't sure you are a person that suffers from this ailment check out these 8 signs that you may be a control freak. If you are ready to let go then check out this article from Lewis Howes on how to do just that. 

Life is short. On your death bed are you really going to care if you didn't get something done EXACTLY your way? Probably not. What do you think about the idea of "letting go?"

How To Stay Motivated As A Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Well the long holiday weekend is over and it is time to groggily get back into the swing of things. For most people it is somewhat easier to do this as they go into the office and mix it up with their colleagues. As a lifestyle entrepreneur it isn't so easy. We work from home or wherever we can get a good internet connection and most importantly we do it alone. And what is more troubling is that most people don't understand that we actually "work" from home and can make a good living at it.  With all this doom & gloom we may even start to doubt ourselves. 

Sounds sad right? Not so fast!

There are many people who are wildly successful at being lifestyle entrepreneurs. Take a break to meet the 35 lifestyle entrepreneurs featured in Navid Moazzez's article, "35 Lifestyle Entrepreneurs You Need To Know."

Perk up and realize that you are in good company. What are your thoughts on being a lifestyle entrepreneur? I would love to hear from you.

Keep It Sunny!

Are You A Successful Multi-Tasker?

I was talking recently to my grandmother who is 86 and realized that our lives are chaotic in comparison to how she grew up.  It is like night & day. As busy entrepreneurs it seems it has almost become a necessity to do multiple things all at once.

Ladies & gentlemen we have become modern day jugglers. (Cue the laugh track)

But I need you to stop for one second (because I know you are probably multi-tasking right now:) and ask yourself are you getting things done effectively? According to an article on by Ciara Conlon, "Some research has shown multitasking to reduce productivity by 40%."

I definitely agree with this.

As I was writing this blog post it took me extra long because I thought it was necessary to check updates on my phone and my email. Trust me nothing was a 911 emergency that couldn't have waited. interviewed a professor of neuroscience at MIT Earl Miller, who said for the most part, "We simply can't focus on more than one thing at a time". He goes on to say, "What we can do, is shift our focus from one thing to the next with astonishing speed. Switching from task to task, you think you're actually paying attention to everything around you at the same time. But you're actually not".  In an article on, it states "that only 2% of people can multitask effectively". 


So How Can You Become A Successful Multi-tasker?

The short answer is you can't. It's a sobering thought huh? The good news is that you can become more successful at getting tasks done. It is very simple: Focus. John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur On always says Follow One Course Until Success = Focus. If you want to learn more about his thoughts on this check out his blog post right here.

Final Thoughts

So I want to leave you with these thoughts:

  • Mult-tasking is a lie

  • Get focused

  • Delegate what you don't need to do

  • Stop worrying

  • Start being successful because now you are getting more done by doing less

Let me know what you think & of course Keep It Sunny!


Do You Have Time To Volunteer?

Life as an entrepreneur can get crazy busy. You are working on developing your latest service offering, meeting with potential clients and taking care of the day to day administrative operations. Where in the world does volunteering for anything fit into this picture? Well, quite honestly it won't fit unless you schedule it in. And your probably laughing hysterically to yourself and asking the question, "Why would I spend some of my very little and very hard to come by time doing volunteer work?" I have two very good reasons:

You Need A Mental Break

Have you ever noticed that if you were dealing with a struggling situation that if you put it aside to go do something else like help out a friend or family member that when you returned the issue was much more solvable.  This is because we all need to gain clarity at one point or another. Steve Pavlina, states in his post 11 Ways To Gain Clarity that ,"If you want to experience more clarity, you must disengage yourself from that which has an adverse effect on your clarity." Giving your time to a worthy cause via volunteerism is a great way to give back and get your focus back.

It Is a Great Way To Make New Friends

I know what your thinking.....I already have enough friends! Well you can never have enough good positive people around you. As a volunteer you are sure to meet these types of kindred spirits. These are folks that you maybe able to go on to build lasting personal and professional relationships with. In my previous post about networking I spoke about how important it was to build relationships and connections before you need them. Going out and volunteering gives you a great avenue to do that.

So now that you have the right attitude to get out there and be a do gooder your probably asking where can I go to get started? There are great places on LinkedIn to go get started as well as Wherever you begin just go with a good attitude, have fun and know that volunteering is the gift that keeps on giving. There is always time to be of service to others.

Are you a do gooder? Share one of the most rewarding volunteer experiences that you have had. 


Is Networking Overrated?

As a business owner we have all heard the importance of making time to network.

But is it really necessary?

If you have all your ducks in a row and business is coming in the door and everything is smooth sailing then what is the point? And who has time for that anyway? 

Well if you're a lifestyle entrepreneur and if you aren't sure check out last week's post about that topic then networking is extremely important. As a lifestyle entrepreneur networking is all about making friends and building honest authentic connections with people. Since most lifestyle entrepreneurs work from home or are location independent then carving time out to mix & mingle may seem cumbersome but it is crucial. There are a myriad of ways to network with others such as online via virtual conferences, in person at specialized meetups, local chamber organizations or through volunteerism.

Have you ever found yourself in need of a professional endorsement or a key connection to that "right" person? We all have. I bet you were thinking I wish I would have kept in touch with "fill in the blank". Don't be that person who only reaches out to others when you need something. Get out there make friends and build lasting relationships with other professionals. According to Rishi Chowdhury of the Business Insider, "Your net worth is only as good as your network." Now that's food for thought!

What do you think about the whole idea of networking? Is it overrated, a lost art or necessary in your world?

Are You A Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

We all have different reasons for starting our respective businesses. I started my business so that I could contribute the variety of skills, knowledge & passions that I have. I also wanted more control of my own time to be able to spend with my family, travel & volunteer. I love people, technology and have a knack for building relationships and getting things done efficiently.  So I combined all of these attributes together and formed my virtual assistant business.  

And Magic!

Is this the definition of a lifestyle entrepreneur?

According to Sean Kim at the Huffington Post "The term was coined by Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete, author turned lifestyle entrepreneur. He designed his business around his life, not the other way around using a laptop and an internet connection".

So there you have it. 

If this description sounds like your business journey then I say welcome to this amazing adventure. And if it doesn't I say what are you waiting for?

Let me know which side you are on.

Keep It Sunny!

3 Simple Ways To ReInvent Your Business

If your like me & other entrepreneurs you started your own business for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons may have been to create more freedom in your life, share more of your talent and skills to clients, focus on what's passionate to you and share that with others. No matter what the initial reason was to start your own business, somewhere along the way YOU got off course. Now you are stuck in a rut and your business is turning more into a job instead of a labor of love. What can I do to get back on track, Tracey? Well I am glad you asked.

  • The first thing is to do is remember your "Why". 

Why did you want to start your business in the first place? Write down 3 reasons and keep them posted near your desk. This will help you to stay enthusiastic when you hit those business rough patches.

  • Have an immigrant attitude.

On the website, the late great motivational speaker Zig Ziglar describes having an immigrant attitude as people who have come to America with little or no money, very little english speaking skills and no family. They do this because they have a burning desire to carve out a new life for themselves & their family. "They do it because they have a dream and the dream has them".

  • Surround yourself with like-minded thinkers

I am sure we have all heard of the motto, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". What that means is that we tend to hang around people who think & believe like ourselves. As an entrepreneur it is critical that we surround ourselves with other positive small business owners to stay encouraged and tuned into what is going on in our industry. If your still working in corporate america and doing your business as a side-preneur then it is EXTREMELY important that you find your tribe of people who are on the same path as you to stay focused on your goals. Some great places to hangout are on LinkedIn, or

So there you have it. 3 simple ways to reinvent your business. It all starts with your attitude & that flows down to propel you into action.

Do you have other things that you do to get you back on track that helps you reinvent your business? Share so we can all learn together.

Keep It Sunny!


Finding A Great Fit: Virtual Assistance in 2016

Photos Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Photos Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Photo Courtesy of phasinphoto|

We are already in the second week of the new year. Time flies very fast. Are you on track with your goals?

  • New Business Cards Ordered: Check

  • Networking Events to Attend for 2016: Check

  • Help With Monthly Projects & Tasks: NOT CHECKED!

Why are you still struggling to do everything in your business as if it was the year 2000? The Virtual Assistant Industry is on the rise and partnering up with a VA is the 21st century way of getting things accomplished in your business. 

How Do I Find A Top-Notch VA Professional?

Be Professional, Kind & Make Sure It Is The Right Fit For Your Business

Be Professional & Kind- Do not write this in your Ad:  Hi, I am Joe Blow from XYZ company and I am paying $15 an hour to hire a VA to do a long list of stuff. Please don't reply if you expect a pay rate of $X amount of dollars or have any requirements to work with me.


This will surely leave you without the excellent world class service you deserve.

The previous statements are geared towards an employee/employer type relationship. These do exist in the VA world, think Craigslist or Elance. Even if this is the type of relationship you desire this type of ad doesn't leave the reader excited to work with you. Additionally, many virtual assistants work for a firm and are independent contractors. So be careful how you craft your ad unless you are really seeking to hiring an individual as an employee to join your company.

Most often if you are seeking someone who will go beyond being a taskmaster and deliver feedback and brainstorming strategies on the strategic view of your company you will be dealing with a business owner. I am unsure how you would feel if a potential client approached you about gaining help from you for their business and they wrote the above statements. Bad Business Communication 101. 

So to answer the question of "How Do I Find A Top-Notch VA Professional"?

  • Make a list of what type of non-revenue generating tasks/projects you do daily.

  • Figure out if you are ready to partner up with a VA. If you aren't ready to let go and trust someone with your baby, then you are not ready to work with a VA Professional

  • Determine what frequency you will need help. Most VA's charge a monthly retainer just like attorneys to do business with them.

  • Figure out your budget before you seek out a VA

  • Write an interesting RFP that showcases your personality and business in the best light.

  • Check out the potential VA's FAQ list on their site to determine if they are a good fit for you.

Finding the right VA Professional fit for you and your business may take a bit of patience. The end result will be that you will gain your time back and have your very own business partner, cheerleader to help you conquer your strategic goals in 2016.


3 Easy Tips to be More Productive in Your Small Business

I am sure we have heard the famous statement by Benjamin Franklin: "Time Is Money" but what does it really mean? According to a survey found on The Huffington Post by Mavenlink, "One in four small business owners believe each productive hour in a day is worth upwards of $500."

That sure is a lot of money.

 If you're a small business owner it can make or break your business, especially if you're a one woman/man operation. In order to accomplish important business goals such as gaining more clients, increasing marketing efforts or creating new products and services you must first honor your own time.

What do I mean exactly?

For example, if you are setting goals to do more competitive market research and the goal was for last year and you still haven't done the research then you aren't honoring your own time. You are disrespecting your own business goals and blocking your success. What's the answer? Here are 3 Easy Tips to be More Productive in Your Small Business:

1. Get clear on "why" you are in business? What are the 3 most important reasons you started your business? autonomy, money, more time with family. Write them down and stick them somewhere that is visible to you on a daily basis.  

2. Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. According to, goals should be: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

3. Plan a reward for small goals achieved. It just makes it more fun to know after you have completed a goal that there is fun times on the horizon.

These are starting points to enable you to refocus on why you are doing all this and to get excited again about your business. Yes, time is money and if you are not maximizing your time to produce revenue generating opportunities then you are truly wasting money.

What is the one thing you keep procrastinating to do in your business? Tell me about it in the comments below. Don't be ashamed. We are all in this small business world together. Want more tips? Check out this article by Shanna Lebowitz at the Business Insider for more productivity ideas.

Keep It Sunny!

Are You A Problem Solver?

 Photo Courtesy of jesadaphorn by

 Photo Courtesy of jesadaphorn by

Hi to everyone out there. How is your business doing these days? Is it too slow? Or are you on fire? Well, in my opinion the difference between the two extremes could be how your customers view your problem solving ability. According to a book excerpt from James A. DeSena, Solving Your Customers Problems, “You must describe the problem clearly, and do it from the customer's point of view. The problem should be one the customer sees value in solving.” Does your product or service solve your customers' problems in the most efficient manner possible? If not, then it may be time to dig a bit deeper to find out what pressure points or roadblocks your customers are facing and be the superior resource for that problem. Having great insight into what challenges your customers need resolved is extremely important. The difference between being profitable or closing your doors is what is at stake. Just a bit of food for thought. Next week we will take a look at a few ways we as business owners can get to the root cause of what our customers are facing so that we can be THE resource they think of to provide resolutions.


Keep It Sunny!


Is It Time To Take A Pivot In Your Business?

Picture this: You had a vision for your business that would solve a pressing issue and allow you to deliver the type of results you desire. You have the skills, temperament and knowledge. Time has passed and your dream business is starting not to look so dreamy.

You have fussy clients, the tools you are using to deliver the service aren't really working that well. And you are wondering what in the world happened to "The Dream"?  It might be time to take a different look at your business and pivot in a different direction. It is your business and if you are unhappy with any facet of it the beauty of it all is that you can change it.

No questions asked.

Life is based on the decisions that you make. Are you making the right decisions for your business?  Are you making decisions that will help you to better serve your customers and bring fulfillment to your life? Is it time to take your vision in a different direction? Only you know the true answer.


Keep It Sunny!

I love free stuff


Do you love free stuff? Well I am pretty sure the answer is yes. What about free stuff that you can use in your business to stay organized and keep your focus on delivering great value to your customers? Well, starting today I am going to share tools that are free or very low cost that you can use in your business. As small business owners every penny counts and any penny not spent can add up to a huge chunk of money. O.k. so the first tool is Insightly. I listened to John Lee Duma's Entrepreneur On Fire podcast today and heard him mention it and decided to check it out.  Here are some of the key features:

  • Free for up to 2 users

  • Integrates your contact management, project management and social media management within one platform

  • Has a mobile feature

  • Integrates with many other applications such as Evernote and Google Apps

I haven't signed up yet, or played around with it yet, but I shall do that over the weekend. So go check it out and let me know what you think

Keep It Sunny!